Write For Impact Terms & Conditions


Write For Impact Pty Limited is a company registered in Australia (Write For Impact). Write For Impact is the copyright owner of the “Essentials for Business Writing” training program.


These are the general Terms of Use which set out the terms and conditions of your access to and use of this website (the Write For Impact site). By accessing and using the Write For Impact site, you accept and must comply with these Terms of Use. A reference in these Terms and Conditions to “we”, “use” and “our” means Write For Impact.



The Write For Impact site and all content herein is protected under International Copyright Laws (including Australian copyright law). Reproduction or use of the content of the Write For Impact site is not permitted without our written permission. This means users cannot alter, modify, present, reproduce or transmit any content in any manner. Any reproduction or use of content must always attribute copyright ownership of the content to Write For Impact.


Write For Impact will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that information that we provide is accurate and up-to-date but we cannot guarantee the accuracy, correctness or completeness of the content included on the Write For Impact site, and we take no responsibility for errors in the content or any of it.


Write For Impact does not guarantee your access to and use of the Write For Impact site will be uninterrupted, error-free, or free from viruses or any other harmful components. Write For Impact may change, amend, alter, update and add to the Write For Impact site at any time.


The Write For Impact site also includes trademarks owned by Write For Impact, which are protected by law. Your access to the Write For Impact site does not include any express or implied permission to reproduce any of Write For Impact’s trademarks without our express consent.



All personal information provided to Write For Impact will be managed in accordance with Write For Impact’s Privacy Policy.



Where the Write For Impact site provides a link or reference to third party sites. We provide such links for convenience only, and do not indicate and should not be construed as any endorsement, approval or recommendation. You acknowledge that we are not responsible or liable for the content of those sites, and your access to and or use of those links is at your own risk. Linking to the Write For Impact site is not permitted without express prior consent of Write For Impact, which may be refused in its absolute discretion.



In no circumstances will Write For Impact or any of its related companies, including its directors and employees be liable to you or any third party for any losses, damages, liabilities, claims or expenses (including legal costs) whether direct, indirect or consequential howsoever case (including, without limitation, negligence) suffered or incurred by you arising out of: