Why we created this program

We would like to work in a world where everyone can express themselves clearly, confidently and concisely. Our lives revolve around excellence in business communication and we know the productivity gains that result from succinct writing.

What you will get from this coaching

  • Objective skills assessment

    Heading-by-heading, sentence-by-sentence analysis of your writing.
    Easy to follow and simple to apply advice.

  • Convenient access

    Submit work and receive feedback online. You will find the platform is user friendly and easily accessible.

  • Self-paced learning

    Engage your coach when it suits you. Apply learnings immediately to current tasks and priorities.

  • Help with three documents

    Use the coaching to sharpen anything from emails to reports – up to 500 words. Receive thorough critiques and advice.

  • Sharper self-editing skills

    Once you learn to critically appraise your writing, self-editing becomes intuitive.

  • Personalised learning plan

    Ensure your new skills are sustained. Our tailored checklist will keep you on track.

Who should enrol?

Do you want your business writing skills to boost your effectiveness and propel your career?

  • Early career ... you want to quickly adopt best-practice skills, and shake off any bad habits from school and university.

  • Early to mid-career ... you want to sharpen your writing, and identify strengths and areas needing attention.

  • Leaders and emerging leaders ... you want to ensure your writing is clear and audience-centred to raise team standards.

What people say about our coaching

  • "Thanks for this!
    That was fantastic feedback. It has quite an impact for me using my own pieces for practical feedback, so thank you for the time taken to do this."

  • "Thank you for the feedback and encouragement. It’s really helpful to have such a detailed analysis and I look forward to taking my writing to the next level!"

  • "Thanks for the quick and clear feedback. After re-reading my original submissions I agree with all of your feedback!"


Personalised skills audit, forensic review of three documents up to 500 words each, roadmap for sustained change.

About us

Learn from business writing experts

Darrell Croker leads an expert team. He worked in national print media for more than 30 years as a senior editor and subeditor on some of Australia's pre-eminent newspapers. Darrell understands “good writing is good editing” and is keen to pass on persuasive language skills to improve your business writing.

Interested in learning online, at your own pace?

Save $$. Essentials for business writing + online coaching bundle.
